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Pages:   «««117118119120121122123124125»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated ScorePoints
3601 Private Canada zzz 179 66 113 37% 53% 0 0 941 28 May 2016 116 15860
3602 Private United States akawildturkey 125 50 75 40% 53% 789 0 1051 05 Jul 2011 54 11980
3603 Private Pfaff 254 95 159 37% 53% 1905 0 1019 24 Mar 2014 145 14570
3604 Private United States Annyong 55 18 37 33% 53% 1068 0 1137 06 Jun 2012 43 11560
3605 Private Bosnia and Herzegovina zdisabled_5ddd5425 143 60 83 42% 53% 1126 0 1020 16 Jul 2013 89 11360
3606 Sergeant United States Motts 63 17 46 27% 53% 1132 0 1064 29 Sep 2024 46 15313
3607 Private Canada adelard 74 19 55 26% 53% 0 0 0 18 Jan 2013 47 14090
3608 Private United States j3r 39 12 27 31% 53% 0 0 942 12 Jun 2013 29 11830
3609 Private United States ansolo 53 17 36 32% 53% 1097 0 0 09 Feb 2017 41 13430
3610 Private United States SciVul 11 2 9 18% 53% 0 0 1043 11 Mar 2010 6 11010
3611 Private Lithuania Agrobalt 105 25 80 24% 53% 1096 0 977 07 Jan 2017 73 14400
3612 Captain United States DustyCuster 3008 932 2076 31% 53% 1305 0 0 21 Apr 2024 2393 93112
3613 Private United Kingdom Redolent 79 17 62 22% 53% 981 0 1110 27 Aug 2017 75 13460
3614 Private Canada zdisabled_a18fcad1 2665 858 1807 32% 53% 967 0 659 25 Jul 2019 1771 12240
3615 Private United States KingCory 181 67 114 37% 53% 0 0 1157 22 May 2012 109 12700
3616 Private United States Silent-Strike 2941 1239 1702 42% 53% 1333 1057 1289 01 Oct 2024 1661 14400
3617 Private United States UncrownedKing7 52 26 26 50% 53% 0 0 1036 25 May 2016 25 12320
3618 Captain 757commander 1849 688 1161 37% 53% 1322 0 1040 27 Aug 2022 1087 207010
3619 Private United States Snark 94 34 60 36% 53% 0 0 1066 24 Aug 2014 42 11920
3620 Private Norway heineken 32 15 17 47% 53% 0 0 0 11 Oct 2015 17 12280
3621 Lieutenant United States Z3r0c00L 72 13 59 18% 53% 1034 0 1131 16 Feb 2012 65 11618
3622 Private Greece Blackat 422 113 309 27% 53% 974 0 1595 03 Jan 2015 266 12330
3623 Colonel United States Lord of Arabia 2187 1028 1159 47% 53% 1093 0 1204 28 Aug 2024 1042 138437
3624 Private Italy Otium 33 8 25 24% 53% 1060 0 0 05 Jul 2010 31 11670
3625 Private United States Sir Poppycock Worthington Snuffl 33 8 25 24% 53% 0 0 1093 26 Apr 2013 18 12090
3626 Private United States zdisabled_ef89d8e4 966 246 720 25% 53% 971 0 1069 28 Nov 2016 622 11971
3627 Private United States Kosh 587 218 369 37% 53% 0 0 1320 22 Sep 2024 375 17840
3628 Private United States ChannelGeneral 954 381 573 40% 53% 1092 0 1036 16 Feb 2019 570 11900
3629 Captain United States scorched earth destruction 201 87 114 43% 53% 0 0 1049 12 Aug 2018 123 165510
3630 Sergeant United States milopalmer 141 52 89 37% 53% 1094 0 971 26 Oct 2023 67 13883